I will give you the recipe for a text that will convert your visitors to customers.
Humor why? It creates the feeling of joy in your customers.
An example of humor could be you should buy here because, you will put money in our pockets instead of our competitors, and if you join our Facebook page you will help us maximize our profits because then we can lay off our social media guy, and if you place a link to our page on your own you will help us profit maximize even more. Because then we can lay off our SEO guy. (now this form of humor is called honesty)
spark your potential customers lust.
To create the emotion lust in your potential customers minds you'll need to play on their fantasies, if I were supposed to do this, I would write something like this, Do you want all your deepest desires to come true, well then you've found the right spot on the internet (of course this is depending on what you are selling).
Trust is an essential factor of selling, here a few tricks that will give your customers the sense of trust.
First of all tell them repeatedly that their credit card information is safe at your site.
Second of all make it clear who you are, and where your business is located.
third of all, get some seal of trust that you can put on your page. (you can either create one yourself or get some all ready existing one that people already trust)
Spark fears in your customers.
one of the marketers who does a really good job of playing with our humanly sense of fear is Taylor Timms, who you can find here, http://www.foreverlaid.com/ can you see where he is doing this? otherwise let me give you a big fat hint, the text is red, and very big and its also highlighted. Ok here it is
You Only Live Oncedotdotdot Do You Really Want To Look Back On Your Life And Say I Wish I'd Had More Sex?
can you see the point? or allow me to give you another example, lets say I sell sun screen online, then I could make a big fat phrase that says do you really want to die from skin cancer? If not you need some sunscreen.
anticipation and surprise.
Now here is what you wanna do first you start slowly by building anticipation, to your products like this is the greatest, most awesome and best "whatever it is that you are selling" and next you wanna catch your customers by surprise by saying, something like this, and guess what if you order within the next ten minutes we will give you a free gift or a price reduction.
point out all the benefits the customer will get if he/she/it goes shopping at/in your shop.
Lets say I sell "synthetic ganja" I could write you won't ever experience something like this again, you will get so high that you'll drop. because we have the strongest "synthetic ganja in the world" and further more we also have the fastest delivery. :-)
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