For an example Google could make G+ the place to go if you want to meet new people globally, here is my suggestions from a psychological site.
First of all we have the obvious interest match system, where you will type in your interests and then meet like minded people from all over the world, and of course this interest match system should also have the feature that when people were typing something in, it would create connections between the different interest, I.e if I were like stating that psychology was a field of interest for me then it would find other people who also stated that, that was an interest for them, along with people who had an interest in neuroscience, the mind, sociology etc.
personality type matcher.
in this one the user would have to answer 3 questions which I will reveal here:
Q1. I Have
- Superb concentration
- Loyality to my peers
- Well developed sense of space and functions
- Aesthetic appreciation for beauty.
- well developed value systems.
- An interrest in serving humanity
- an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action.
- High regards for knowledge
- extreme loyality towards my pers.
- An athletic body.
- Strong people orientation.
- A well developed sense of space and function.
- Able to do almost anything just aslong as I am interrested in the subject.
- An external focus.
- Intellectual quickness.
- A drive to lead.
Q2 I am good at
- acomplishing any task I've set my mind at.
- Finding Solutions to practical problems.
- Following through.
- Being open minded.
- Sticking to things untill they are done.
- Seeing possibilities.
- Long range thinking.
- Creative and logical thinking.
- Focus on immidiate results.
- Running and organizing activeties.
- Other people.
- Serving others.
- Being flexible.
- Managing people issues.
- Using my logic to find solutions.
- Creating solid solutions for organisational problems.
Q3 I like.
- responsabilty.
- Taking risks.
- The perception of other peoples emotions.
- Being kind to my peers.
- Being an individual.
- Being laid back.
- Deriving meaning from my visions.
- Originality.
- Being friendly.
- Peace.
- Fun.
- Being warm hearted.
- Being idealistic.
- Emotions.
- Stimulating company.
- Public speaking.
and then if a person said one to all three it would match the person who did that with another person who did the same.
and finally we have the age match chat rooms, where there are 3 options, locally, countrywide and globally,
now in these chat rooms who ever enters should be paired up with another person +/-/= 2 years of age.